feel so syiok after exam..
freedom is spelled on my forehead..
i don't need to wear that silly school uniform anymore
and the best part is..
when school reopens,
i don't need to wake up early and go to school
school days are officially ended for me
feels so good about it..=D
everything is just lifted up from my back
no more pressure
no more stress
no more sleepless night
no more books *for this moment =P
But what i miss the most about school life
is my friends..AW~
they are wonderful people that helps us grow along the way
gonna miss the time we
joke and chui sui
laugh and tease at one another
all these beautiful memory will remain in my mind as fresh as ever
i'm not trying to be emo here..=D
u should pat yourself on the back
and say i've been such a great friend..;)
time really flies~

time really flies~
CNY house visitation
getting angpau~hehe
on sports day
colloqium time
ada yang tidur,
ada yang sembang..
classroom scenario
our finland friend..maria <3
preparation for our sixth form video
the funny malat people
my secondary school friends
6th from night 2010
form teacher..always chui sui with us..lol
my class U6F2
the teachers
inspired by bollywood dance
we tried to take this pic with everyone off the ground like billion of times..
and finally succeeded..XD
yes..we're finally graduated!!
cherish our friendship
and keep in touch garls and boys..=)
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