
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

M .A .T .H .S = M .A .D

hey guys
today i'm gonna share about
 the subject that i literary hate,dislike..
besides chinese,
i don't like doin maths problems
(i just don't like writing chinese essay but i like speaking in chinese =D)
Hate is a strong word,
but i really really really don't like it...!!
My close friends will know how my maths sucks...compared to them =P

lack of practice is one of the reason..
or maybe maths is just not my piece of cake..i like Arts and Colours~
But all i can say is from form4 to form5 onwards..
my add maths is like


all the time,till now in form6
paiseh paiseh
never cease to Fail in every single test..
(u'll be thinking omg, is she really that bad)
yea~that's true..
sounds quite pathetic right??
maybe the passing mark in school is too high..
but,Thank God in my SPM i'm able to get a B..

yay~maybe there's "other" people who are worse than me..=D
when i'm in lower secondary i didn't fail my maths,
bcz modern maths is easier than add maths obviously 
but i never got an A for it..
Now for form6, we have Pure Maths
goodness..*slap forehead

nerdy look when it comes to maths
 S.O.S pls!

That's why i really salute those people who are very good in maths..
and don't look nerd at all..

they just get to remember those rules and laws 4 maths so easily and the formulae 
regardless of how the question change...
gosh i wish i could
(i'm surrounded by smart
And i'm like super slow and need to go through the notes
again and again when doing exercise
sometimes it's really paiseh to ask my friend about those simple simple maths stuff..
anyhow, to learn we must not be afraid to ask..
muka tebal 

okay,simple maths is useful 
but,i don't think we use complicated maths
so frequent in our daily life..

so,why are we given such a hard and torturing time solving it
for that solid 3 hrs for 
12 question
as long as we know how to count money that's good

gonna get back to my studies..
maths paper 1 tomorrow
wish me luck

having a hard time loving you
But pls don't drive me MAD

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