
Friday, December 10, 2010

Bed Rolling

these pass few days can't really sleep well
i was tossing and turning on my bed for almost an hour 
before i really get to sleep
omgudness me jac,please just sleep
before my exam i don't have this problem at all

I feel like i'm a piece of meat

frying on the pan..ouch?!

i've been changing my sleeping position like um-teen kongkong times..urhh~
i turn to my left ,my left side gets hot,
i turn to my right side,when my left side turns hot too
i reposition myself to the center again

don't you think i'm as if getting fried on my bed
left to right
right to left
then center again..
it's just that no smoke and oil coming out from me
the cycle repeats with some arms and legs movement

my bed literary becomes a frying 

My eyes are closed but my brain is somehow still awake  *super active xD
it's like there are two person talking in my brain (i'm not kuku okay)

"Jac, it's getting late, get some sleep"
"duh~i know..can't u see i'm trying to get some sleep now?!"
"u kept on turning how can u sleep?"
"u're so noisy, i'm finding a comfortable position to doze off"
"she's having exam now, she need to have enough rest.."
"i know..ish.."
And the conversation goes on and on..

And i'm like, helo??can both of u just shut up...shh~
it will be easier for me to sleep if both of u jz stop arguing like mad in my brain
and i tried to stop thinking about anything

determined to sleep..
u can do it jac!

whenever my brain start to be active again,
i shooo them off again..LOL

since the exam started
i've been staying awake quite late doin last minute job

maybe that's why my sleeping time gets distruped..

anyway, i gets to sleep in the end
Thank God

just like a baby..AW~

with my books in my dream..
exam sucks~ >.<

stay tunned~

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